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What's on your checklist when moving to a new place?

We just moved at the beginning of December so Im speaking from a recent event. We did move within the same city so I didnt need to learn any new regular places like gas stations, grocery stores, hair salon, etc. My check list was getting the bedroom and bathroom set up, then the kitchen, then room by room (office, guest bedroom, etc.). Once all the boxes were unpacked and I had put things where I thought they should go, I reevaluated as I lived here day-to-day - maybe it made more sense for my winter coats to go in the rarely used guest room and maybe my vitamins should go in the upstairs bathroom where there was more counter and storage space. We also had a bit of a unique situation. The lower level (not quite a basement) had an entry right off the garage. There was a fireplace in a room the previous owners were using as a den and then a small area for a guest bedroom. The bathroom had a walk-in shower, which is better than a tub/shower combo for my husband. We turned what was the den into the master suite and the area that was being used as a bedroom we are now using as a dressing room + exercise room. The upper level now has our kitchen, living room, dining room (that we still rarely use), a bathroom, a guest room and a room that we are using as a pretty decent office/library. Sometimes you just need to live in the space a bit before deciding for sure what goes where and how you want to utilize your rooms that best suits you.

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